GSFC Code 916: Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch [menu bar image map]

Aerosol and Temperature Lidar (AT Lidar)

A second mobile Lidar system has been developed within the Branch. This system has enhanced aerosol and temperature capabilities over the Ozone Lidar. The Lidar instrument uses two separate lasers to transmit three different wavelengths and retrieves Lidar returns from four wavelengths. Wavelengths transmitted are: 1.06 microns, 532 nm and 351 nm. In addition to the three elastically scattered wavelengths, the Raman scattered wavelength from the 351 laser is collected. This combination of wavelengths yields additional information relating to aerosol properties. In addition, a new technique for the measurement of temperature in regions of high aerosol concentration is being developed in collaboration with Colorado State University. This Lidar instrument is to be part of the NDSC and will have its first deployment to the NDSC Station at Mauna Loa Observatory in the Summer of 1995.

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Last Updated:2/01/2002
Web Curator: Grant Sumnicht(Raytheon ITSS)(
Responsible NASA organization/official: Dr. P. K. Bhartia, Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch/Head